Know your rights

Imagine a life without any freedom or even without any respect in society... sounds tough, right? Often at times, we come across this term ‘human rights’ and overlook it thinking we’ve heard it all. We do not realize the importance of human rights until we imagine the plight of people who are deprived of these fundamental rights.

The concepts of democracy and constitutional state to some extent related to the understanding of the balance of rights and freedoms of individuals and public authorities.

Every individual is endowed with a certain degree of freedom. However, the realization of their interests the individual should take into account the interests of other individuals - such as members of society as he is. This is a restriction of freedom of the individual right to a certain extent.

We are all free & equal
Don’t discriminate
The right to life
No slavery
No torture
You have rights no matter where you go
We are all equal before the law
Your human rights are protected by law
No unfair detainment
The right to trial
We are always innocent till proven guilty
The right to privacy
Freedom to move
The right to seek a safe place to live
Right to nationality
Marriage and family
The right to your own things
Freedom of thought
Freedom of expression
The right to public assembly
The right to democracy
Social security
Workers right
The right to play
Food and shelter for all
The right to education
A fair and free world
No one can take away your human rights

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